Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pickle wins a Group 2 in Idaho

June 13, 2009 Ch Sonsteby In A Pickle wins a Group 2 in Idaho.
Dale Simmons was the breed judge and Judy Doniere was
the group judge.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Group 4 for "Pickle"

June 10, 09 Gr 4 for Ch Stonsteby's In a Pickle under Loraine Boutwell at the Snake River Canyon KC of Idaho, Inc. show.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Another BIS for Chanel Eastern weekend

BIS SBIS Ch Starlines Chanel wins again ! Kent Delaney (Breed and Best In Show) and Howard Atlee (Group) for the incredible win at the Eastern Specialty weekend and for all the exhibitors for their enthusiastic support. Chanel is just 17 months old, is the Nations #1 whippet with 2 All-Breed Best In Shows, 1 Hound Best In Show, and 3 Specialty Best In Shows!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Canadian National Specialty

Judge Sharon Sakson Edmonton, CANADA Sat June 6
BOB Ch Counterpoint Genuine Risk
BOS CH Winsmith Law And Order
WD Softouch Finders Keepers
WB Harmony's Dreamwinz Ally Oop
Best Bred By Icatcher an Oriental Lily

The first SBIS for Ch Sporting Fields Bahama Sands

The first SBIS for Ch Sporting Fields Bahama Sands at the Ashville Kennelclub, NC on June 7 under Dana Cline!!! Gr 1 under Bonnie L. Clarke

A BIG win for Canadian bred Forgetmenot Katsumi At Joska

A BIG win for Canadian bred Forgetmenot Katsumi At Joska...BOB for a big major over numerous top winning specials from the classes and a Gr 4 under Judge Carol O'Bryant at the Ashville KC, NC on June 6th.

2 Whippets earn 2 group placings this weekend

2 whippets earned 2 group placings this weekend....

the first Multi BIS CH. Starlines Chanel won a Gr, 2 under Mary Ann Alston at the Skyline DogFanciers of Mateo County,CA on June 4th and a Gr 3 on June 7th under MollyMartin at the Contra Corta County Kennel club show.

Ch Cariad's Prophecy earned a Gr 3 at the Mt Pleasant MI Kennel Club shows under Dr. Alvin Krauseon June 7 and a Gr 2 under Judy Doniere on Sat June 6.

Other Group placers for the weekend

Other Group placers for the weekend included:

June 5th Ch Winway Redford With a Splash Gr 3 under Michelle Billings at the Skyline Dog Fanciers of Mateo show

June 7th Ch Angelic-Yorktowns Endless Love Gr 4 at the Paducah Kennel Club under Elaine Mathis

Shamasan Send Me an Angel Gr 4 under Patricia Gellerman at theLongshore-Southport KC , NY