Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend Updates .....

July 25, 2010
GR 1 CH Devereaux's Evening Star
Owensboro River K2, Philpot, KY
Ralph Lemcke

GR 1 CH Starline's Chanel
Galveston County KC, Houston, TX
Toddie Clark

GR 1 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands
Nita-Nee KC-2, Centre Hall, PA
Lawrence Terricone

July 24, 2010
GR 1 Ch Starline's Chanel
Beaumont KC, Houston TX
Lisa Warren

GR 1 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands
Nita-Nee KC-1, Centre Hall, PA
Dr. John Reeve-Newson

GR 4 CH Kamada's Happy Hour
Paper Cities KC, Weston, WI
Raymond Filburn

GR 4 CH Stonsteby's In A Pickel
Portland KC, Portland, OR
Mrs. Robert Smith

GR 2 CH Meisterhaus
Owensboro River K-1, Philpot, KY
Joyce Geshwiler

July 23, 2010
GR 1 CH Starline's Chanel
Houston KC, Houston, TX
Patricia Trotter

GR 1 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands
Chambersburg Area KC, Centre Hall, PA
David Hyman

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Michigan Warning

"Please crosspost, forward, and otherwise circulate Mark Jaeger's

Dear Michigan Kennel Club Member,
In recent days you may have received an email letter and online survey
from the Michigan Humane Society Legislative Department. The letter
states that the society is collecting data from dog breeders "in order to
establish standards of care for large-scale dog breeding establishments in
Michigan" The letter also references actions by other states to place a limit on
the number of dogs an individual may own. Please note that the source of the survey is a private humane association that is seeking this information in order to create new legislation to
limit dog ownership and breeding in Michigan. Although the letter states
that the survey may be filled out anonymously, the survey does ask you for
personal information about the size of your kennel, the number of litters
you breed, and the number of dogs you own. We respectfully request that you
hold off on providing any information to this organization at this time.
Based on the concerns expressed by this humane society legislative unit,
Protect MI Dogs and the American Kennel Club will conduct studies of
their own to assess whether additional regulation or enforcement of existing
laws may be needed. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Please do
not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or further input you wish to provide.

Mark Jaeger
President, Protect MI Dogs
_mark.jaeger@protectmidogs.org_ ( "